15 Years of Experience
Minnesota native turned Oregonian. Passionate about wine research and tasting. Fulfilled by sharing this passion with others.

Hi, my name is John Luhta.
As the saying goes, there is nice, and then there is Minnesota nice. My customer service skills and home-town charm were certainly born and bred in Minnetonka, Minnesota where I lived until I was 17. Adult-me would have loved a few more years there.
From Minnesota, I took my hockey skates and stick to Cincinnati, Ohio. I attended Bowling Green State University, where I graduated with a degree in Photography and Communications. My dream was to become a National Geographic photographer. Or work at a Colorado ski resort. Or become a canoeing tour guide in the Boundary Waters. However, life can take you on different paths.
After graduation, I enjoyed working for an advertising agency in Cincinnati. Eventually, wanderlust got the better of me and I missed the snow. Boulder, Colorado and the famous fluffy snow of the Rockies called me. I worked in the banking business to help pay for my skiing adventures.
My dream of outdoor adventure was fulfilled in 2007, when I moved to Portland, Oregon. Wine research and tasting is a way of life here. I work in a world-class office - wine country in the Willamette Valley! Coordinating tours and sharing my knowledge of wine with others is my dream job. As my guests have fun exploring and learning my passion, my why is clear.